Using Rails 6 ActionText

I have started using Rails 6 even though it is not fully out, the integration of webpack, Action Cable, ActionText, ActionView and lot of other background task have improved Rails and make it faster. The one I am particularly happy about is Action Text.
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Setting up vim, tmux, iterm and oh-my-zsh.

A lot of people always asked how I pimped my terminal, some even call me a weirdo because I was using VIM and they were using VSCode.
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Heroku for Continous Deployment 👻👻

We have neglected one tool that is powerful enough to make our continuous deployment seamless for small scale applications.
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An easy approach to contribute to Open Source Projects

Contribute to open source is easy, quit the fear👻
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Getting Started with React-Redux

I had a friend who struggled with Redux for a Long time and his main story was “He can’t get a hang of it, or the flow is mysterious”. Later, I got to know some people struggle with Redux because of its flow. In this tutorial, we will go through an easy way to get Redux setup for your React project and build a simple application with it.
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